弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页



弗吉尼亚理工大学与弗吉尼亚社区学院系统(VCCS)保持着几项协议,为完成可转换副学士学位的学生提供入学保证. 对于VCCS以外的学生或某些VCCS站点的特殊课程也有额外的协议. The most comm只有 followed agreements are included and detailed below. 请注意,所有申请人, including those who believe they may qualify for guaranteed admission under any agreement, will apply in the standard transfer application process and must meet all associated deadlines. More information on this process is found on the 转学申请核对表. Admission to 弗吉尼亚理工大学 is major-specific, 建议申请人确保他们的副学士学位路径符合或至少包括他们预期学习计划的“必修”先决课程, 正如 招生转学路线图. Transfers are no longer admitted to undecided or general programs, 如果申请人没有达到申请中所列专业的最低入学要求, they will 不 be admitted to the university. Final eligibility for guaranteed admission is determined during the application review process.


VCCS College of Engineering Guaranteed Admission Agreement

寻求保证录取并计划申请工程学院任何专业的VCCS学生, including Computer 科学 and Computer Engineering, 应该遵循 College of Engineering Guaranteed Admission Agreement.


Beginning with applications for the Spring 2023 entry term, 弗吉尼亚理工大学 moved to a direct admission model for College of Engineering majors. 这意味着符合条件的转学生现在可以直接申请并保证进入他们想要的工程学院专业,而不需要经过当前协议中提到的一般工程流程. This student-friendly adjustment will be codified in future agreement updates.

Beginning with applications for the Spring, 夏天, 以及2024年秋季入学条件, 计算机科学专业(仅限)的申请人将有资格通过完成以下课程获得保证入学资格 要么 the applicable VCCS Engineering associate degree from their campus, as outlined, OR the transfer-focused AS: Computer 科学 degree. 这项对学生友好的调整并未纳入当前协议,但将在未来的协议更新中纳入. 

  • Complete the appropriate VCCS Engineering associate degree offered by your campus, 如协议所述. 
  • 累积平均绩点达到3分.2个或更高的学位课程. GPA calculations, including in the case of repeated coursework, will follow VCCS policies. 这项对学生友好的调整并未纳入当前协议,但将在未来的协议更新中纳入. 
  • 满足协议中列出的所有其他要求,并在适用的截止日期前通过标准转学录取程序申请.


VCCS General Guaranteed Admission Agreement

寻求保证入学的VCCS学生,并计划申请弗吉尼亚理工大学工程学院(COE)或农业与生命科学学院(CALS)以外的专业,应遵循 General Guaranteed Admission Agreement.


  • Complete a transferable VCCS associate degree offered by your campus, 如协议所述.        
  • 累积平均绩点达到3分.4级或以上学历. GPA calculations, including in the case of repeated coursework, will follow VCCS policies.
  • 满足预期专业的最低入学要求,完成入学转移路线图中列出的该计划的任何和所有“必修”课程,成绩为“C”或更高. 注意: This replaces the "B or better" in particular course categories (Mathematics, 英语, 科学, Social 科学) outlined in the agreement. Not all majors have specified admissions course requirements.
  • 满足协议中列出的所有其他要求,并通过标准的转学录取程序申请.


VCCS College of Agriculture and Life 科学s Guaranteed Admission Agreement

VCCS学生如果想申请农业与生命科学学院的任何专业,请按照 College of Agriculture and Life 科学s Guaranteed Admission Agreement.


  • Complete a VCCS Associate of 科学 or Associate of Arts and 科学 degree.
  • 累积平均绩点达到3分.在你的学位课程中取得0分或更高的成绩. GPA calculations, including in the case of repeated coursework, will follow VCCS policies.
  • 满足您预期专业的最低入学要求,完成该计划的任何和所有“必修”课程的成绩为“C”或更高 招生转学路线图. 注意: This replaces the major-specific coursework outlined in Section II of the agreement.
  • 根据本协议申请入学的学生不再需要意向书,也不再是招生过程的一部分.
  • 满足协议中列出的所有其他要求,并通过标准的转学录取程序申请.



对北弗吉尼亚的CMA/“BIT-Cyber”项目感兴趣的北弗吉尼亚社区学院学生可以按照 NOVA-VT CMA/ BIT-Cyber Guaranteed Admission Agreement .


德国社区学院的学生对北弗吉尼亚的CMA/“BIT-Cyber”项目感兴趣,鼓励他们参加 Germanna CC-VT CMA/BIT-Cyber Guaranteed Admission Agreement.

Agreement Summary (applicable to both NOVA and GCC agreements):

  • NOVA学生: 完成A.S. 资讯科技或A.S. Business Administration degree at Northern Virginia Community College.
  • GCC学生: 完成AA&S-Business Administration degree at Germanna Community College.
  • 网上赌博网站十大排行鼓励未来的学生密切关注各自协议中包含的符合条件的副学士学位课程的课程图(见附录)。. 遵循正确的课程图将确保满足最低入学要求,并提供最大限度的转学分适用性. 进一步, this will help establish the best route to progression and success in the CMA degree post-transfer.
  • 累积平均绩点达到3分.在你的学位课程中取得0分或更高的成绩. GPA calculations, including in the case of repeated coursework, will follow NOVA/GCC policies.
  • 满足协议中列出的所有其他要求,并通过标准的转学录取程序申请.
  • 申请人将在转学申请中选择网络安全管理与分析(CMA)专业,然后选择北弗吉尼亚校区 and will be reviewed for that program and campus. 
  • 注意: 这些协议适用于申请弗吉尼亚理工大学北弗吉尼亚校区网络安全管理与分析专业(CMA)的学生 只有 and do 不 apply to students who wish to pursue an undergraduate degree-granting program, 包括CMA, 在布莱克斯堡. 学生 admitted to the CMA at the Northern Virginia campus will have the option to change their 弗吉尼亚理工大学 major or campus, nor will they be able pursue classes at the Blacksburg campus without departmental approval. 
  • Trying to decide if the CMA program in Northern Virginia is right for you? 请查看 项目网站 for more information and additional points of contact!

Richard Bland College Transfer Agreement

理查德·布兰德的学生如果想保证被弗吉尼亚理工大学的任何专业录取,都应该遵循 Richard Bland College Guaranteed Admission Agreement.


  • Complete an RBC Associate in Arts or Associate in 科学 degree.
  • 累积平均绩点达到3分.4级或以上学历. GPA calculations, including in the case of repeated coursework, will follow RBC policies.
  • 满足预期专业的最低入学要求,完成入学转移路线图中列出的该计划的任何和所有“必修”课程,成绩为“C”或更高. 注意: 这取代了协议第1节中提到的专门针对专业的“数学和科学”课程.
  • 满足协议中列出的所有其他要求,并通过标准的转学录取程序申请.


For more information or additional guidance regarding guaranteed admission, 请联系本科招生办公室,并与招生转学小组的成员联系.


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